RES: | Violence in Lathor Village, Balangir District, 24 January 2012 |
RES: | Principles on Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations Adopted, 11 October 2011 |
RES: | Reparation of Gross Violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Work in Progress, 12 April 2011 |
RES: | Systematic Housing and Land Rights Violations against Syrian Kurds, 17 March 2011 |
RES: | Social Production of Housing in Mexico: Its National Importance and Its Economic Impact on Poor Households, 30 September 2006 |
RES: | Social Production of Housing in Mexico: Its National Importance and Its Economic Impact on Poor Households, 30 September 2006 |
RES: | Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing: visit to the occupied Palestinian territories, E/CN.4/2003/5/Add.1, 17 June 2002 |
RES: | House demolitions in `Isawiya neighborhood of occupied Jerusalem, 14 February 2002 |