HIC’s Housing and Land Rights Network (HIC-HLRN) welcomes you to its 20th issue of Land Times. This milestone edition emphasizes the role of civil society in identifying and remedying housing and land rights problems in the context of a global pandemic.

Amid this protracted crisis, events and developments in the Middle East/North Africa and globally continue to require extra attention of all of us. This issue focuses on both root causes of trouble and promised solutions whereby states implement both their permanent legal obligations and their time-bound voluntary commitments to prioritize Sustainable Development Goal fulfillment while realizing human rights.

This issue of Land Times mirrors the housing and land rights struggles of women, small-scale farmers and people under occupation in the MENA region, as well as how these relate to struggles and strugglers across our endangered planet. As noted in Land Times No. 19, we are still in this together..

For other timely reports and developments, see also HLRN News and HIC Middle East/North Africa News.

• Access to natural resources
• Accompanying social processes
• Advocacy
• Agriculture
• Armed / ethnic conflict
• Children
• Climate change
• Commodification
• Commons
• Communication and dissemination
• Compensation
• Coordination
• Cultural Heritage
• Demographic manipulation
• Destruction of habitat
• Disaster mitigation
• Discrimination
• Displaced
• Displacement
• Dispossession
• Education and training
• Elderly
• Energy
• Environment (Sustainable)
• Epidemics, diseases
• ESC rights
• Ethnic
• Extraterritorial obligations
• Fact finding mission/field research
• Farmers/Peasants
• Financialization
• Financing
• Food (rights, sovereignty, crisis)
• Forced evictions
• Gender Equality
• Globalization, negative impacts
• Grassroots initiatives
• Health
• Historic heritage sites
• Homeless
• Housing crisis
• Housing rights
• Human rights
• Indigenous peoples
• Infrastructure
• Inheritance rights
• Internal migrants
• International
• Land rights
• Landless
• Legal frameworks
• Local Governance
• Low income
• Megaprojects
• National
• Neighborhood rehabilitation / upgrading
• Networking
• Nomads
• Norms and standards
• Pastoralists
• People under occupation
• Population transfers
• Privatization
• Project management
• Property rights
• Public / social housing
• Public policies
• Public programs and budgets
• Refugees
• Regional
• Religious
• Reparations / restitution of rights
• Research
• Rural planning
• Security of tenure
• Social Function of Property
• Solid waste
• Solidarity campaign
• Stateless
• Subsidies
• Technologies
• Temporary shelter
• Tenants
• Tribal peoples
• UN HR bodies
• UN system
• Unemployed
• Urban planning
• Water&sanitation
• Women
• Youth