Out of commitment to the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), HIC-HLRN and Associazione Inquilini e Abitante (A.S.I.A.) today submitted their parallel report to the Committee of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) review of the state party of Italy’s performance of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).
This new report emphasizes the respect, protection and fulfillment of the human right to an adequate standard of living and, in particular, the human right to adequate housing (Article 11 of the Covenant). It takes into consideration the events and developments since CESCR’s last review in 2004, which period coincides with a decline in government support for affordable housing and a dramatic rise in forced evictions in Italy.
This report also focuses on the root causes of this gross violation, including the economic downturn and the decline in state support for social housing, which exacerbates the already dire living conditions of the affected persons and communities. The increase in housing costs, especially for the poorest and most-marginalized segments of the population, including migrants and non-national residents, is particularly significant, as it perpetuates the conditions of homelessness and under housing.
The HIC-HLRN/A.S.I.A. report points out that, while Italy conducted its first national assessment of homeless within the same review period (2011), weaknesses in the methodology of measuring homeless and the lack of more-recent data raise new questions for the state party as to the actual level of homelessness and under-housing across the country. That national assessment of homelessness also preceded a sharp rise in evictions and, therefore, the situation is presumed to be much more serious at present.
CESCR will hold its “constructive dialogue” with the Italian government delegation at Geneva on 25 September 2015.
Download the HIC-HLRN/A.S.I.A. parallel report
Photo: Homeless in City of Rome (Rhomeless) on Christmas Eve, 2012. Source: Amor Films.