The First Draft of the FAO’s Committee on Global Food Security (CFS) Agenda for Action for Addressing Food Insecurity in Protracted Crises (CFS-A4A) is now available in all UN languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian and Chinese).
The Appendices/reference documents of this document also will be available shortly in all languages on the CFS-A4A webpage.
The First Draft has been has been developed as a result of a consultative process on the initial outlines and the Zero Draft. Some of the outcomes of the different stages of this consultative process are available on the CFS A4A webpage, including the summaries from the Open-ended Working Group meetings, the global consultation, and contributions received through the e-consultations. [See especially the e-discussion on Rights-based Approaches to Food Security in Protracted Crises with its analysis report.]
The civil society, including HIC Members and structures in several regions, have played a significant role in shaping this A4A. However, in order to ensure that these efforts bear fruit, CSOs still some challenges to:
Defend their additions in the Agenda;
Identify priority issues that are absent or lacking in the A4A, while providing specific wording suggestions to strengthen them;
Lobby our governments to uphold the values and principles that CSOs have promoted.
This first draft will serve as the basis for negotiation, scheduled for 29 July–1 August 2014. Concerned civil society organizations CSOs are kindly urged to send any comments and proposed text changes on the A4A by 7 July 2014 to:
Ashley Von Anrep
Food Security Civil Society Mechanism
Download the A4A First Draft in English, Arabic
Read background in Land Times[Arabic]