This brief instructive pamphlet explains the background and current pursuit of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and addresses the human rights framework originally found in the Millennium Declaration, but gradually and continuously excluded through the iteration of the MDGs and the monitoring methods that the UN implementation agencies have provided. This tool for monitoring the MDG 7 derives its method from states’ treaty obligations to respect, protect and fulfill human rights to adequate housing and water, as well as sanitation, HLRN seeks to assist HIC Members and others to restore the human rights content and state obligations related to MDG 7. HIC-HLRN offers a set of monitoring indicators consistent with those already developed for monitoring states’ human rights treaty implementation. The reconciliation of these approaches so that states could advance in their pursuit of the modest MDG 7 by necessarily implementing their permanent human rights treaty obligations. HLRN published this brochure at the MDG Campaign’s mid-term review, in 2007, and has updated it with the revised indicators issued in 2008.
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