مظاهرة صاخبة في حوره, اعتقال 28 متظاهر
نظمت المظاهرة المركزية في يوم الغضب على مدخل قرية حوره البدوية في النقب. المظاهرة، التي بدأت في الساعة 15:30 عصرا، وانتهت حوالي الساعة 23:00 ليلا. بدأت المظاهرة بهدوء وبمشاركة 1000 متظاهر، والذين رددوا الهتافات ورفعوا اللافتات ضد خطة برافر. مع ذلك، وبعد نحو ساعة عندما قررت الشرطة تعزيز قواتها الكبيرة منذ البداية، جنبا إلى جنب مع العشرات من رجال الشرطة الذين انتشروا أمام المظاهرة، بالإضافة إلى نصب خراطيم المياه أمام المتظاهرين، أدت إلى تصعيد الموقف. هذا وادعى المتظاهرون الذين كانوا في الصفوف الأمامية للمظاهرة أن شرطيين من وحدة المستعربين هم من قام بإلقاء الحجارة على رجال الشرطة، مما تسبب في تصعيد المظاهرة. منذ هذه النقطة تحولت المظاهرة إلى ساحة معركة. حيث اندفعت الخيول الشرطية نحو جمهور المتظاهرين الذين لاذوا بالفرار من موقع المظاهرة، كما وأطلقت الشرطة الغاز المسيل للدموع على المتظاهرين، رصاص مطلي. وقامت مروحية تابعة للشرطة بالتحليق في السماء. كما واستخدمت الشرطة خراطيم المياه، احدها ممزوج باللون الأزرق. من ناحية أخرى، رد المتظاهرون بقذف الشرطة بالحجارة وإضرام النار بإطارات على الطريق. في هذه المرحلة من المظاهرة اعتقلت الشرطة 28 شخصا من المتظاهرين الذين نقلوا إلى مركز شرطة البلدات المحاذي لمكان المظاهرة. في حين انه تم الإفراج عن عدد من المعتقلين في الليل بكفالة، كما وأفرج عن خمسة آخرين صباح يوم الأحد، هذا وتم إحضار حوالي عشرين معتقل آخر إلى المحكمة لمناقشة أمرهم خلال النهار.
زيارة تضامنية في خيمة الحرية في رهط
يوم الأربعاء ,20 نوفمبر 2013 هدمت قرية العراقيب للمرة الـ57. جرافات ترافقها قوات من الشرطة وصلت الى القرية وقامت بهدم جميع البراكيات الواقعة خارج المقبرة. وفي ساعات بعد الظهر من نفس اليوم عادت قوات من الشرطة للقرية وقامت باحتجاز الشيخ صياح بتهمة انتهاك حدود وخرق تعليمات قانونية. بعد أن مثل أمام قاض يوم الخميس الماضي قرر القاضي ابعاد الشيخ مسافة 2 كيلومتر من القرية ودفع كفالة. الا ان الشيخ صياح رفض الشروط وبالتالي تم تمديد توقيفه واحتجز في اوهلي كيدار, وفي الأسبوع التالي عرض عليه القاضي تخفيض الكفالة والابقاء على الابعاد الا ان الشيخ رفض التوقيع على الابعاد حتى امس الخميس حيث قرر القاضي اطلاق سراحه بدون شروط مكتوبه على ان يبت القاضي بالملف بعد اسبوع.
يوم السبت, 30 نوفمبر, ساعات قبل المظاهرة في حوره, نظمت زيارة تضامنية في خيمة الحرية الذي أقيم أمام مركز الشرطة في مدينة رهط احتجاجا على اعتقال الشيخ صياح الطوري. حيث استضاف أهالي العراقيب في خيمة الحرية العشرات من النشطاء والذين التقوا مع الشيخ صياح الطوري المفرج عنه بعد 9 أيام من الاعتقال يوم الخميس الماضي. وفي أعقاب الاستئناف الذي تم تقديمه إلى المحكمة المركزية في بئر السبع, وبالرغم من إطلاق سراح الشيخ, إلا انه تقرر الإبقاء على خيمة الحرية في مكانها حتى البت في القضية الأسبوع القادم في المحكمة المركزية في بئر السبع.
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Demolitions in the Naqab, 2013
So far in 2013, Israeli forces have demolished at least 121 homes and other structures belonging to Palestinian citizens in the Naqab, uprooted tens of trees, plowed under hundreds of acres of cultivated land, and served at least 46 house demolition orders.
December 2 – Sawawin, Bedouin unrecognized village south of route 25, demolition orders issued.
December 2 – Wadi al-Na`am, Bedouin unrecognized village near Ramat Hovav, demolition orders issued.
December 3 – Umm Batin, Bedouin recognized village east of Tel Sheva, two houses demolished.
November 20 – al-`Araqib, Bedouin unrecognized village west of route 40 between Lehavim and Goral junctions, the village demolished for the 57th time.
November 20 – Bir Hadaj, Bedouin recognized village near Kibbutz Revivim, one house demolished.
November 19 – Sawawin, Bedouin unrecognized village south of route 25, one house demolished.
November 19 – al-For’a, Bedouin unrecognized village near Arad, one house demolished.
November 19 – Segev-Shalom, Bedouin planned town, one house demolished.
November 13 – al-Sayyid, Bedouin recognized village south west of Hura, one house demolished.
November 13 – Sawa, Bedouin unrecognized village south of Hura, one house demolished.
October 29 – Umm-Namila, Bedouin unrecognized village near Rahat, house demolition orders distributed.
October 27 – Rahat, Bedouin planned city, one house demolished.
October 27 – Kseife, Bedouin planned town, one house demolished.
October 24 – Wadi Mashash, Bedouin unrecognized village, one house demolished.
October 24 – Segev Shalom, Bedouin planned town, one house demolished.
October 24 – Umm Mitnan, Bedouin recognized village near Dimona, one house demolished.
October 24 – Derijat, Bedouin recognized village, tens of olive trees uprooted.
October 24 – al-`Araqib, Bedouin unrecognized village west of route 40 between Lehavim and Goral junction, the village demolished for the 56th time.
October 8 – Wadi al-Na`am, Bedouin unrecognized village near Ramat Hovav, one house demolished.
October 8 – al-`Araqib, Bedouin unrecognized village west of route 40 between Lehavim and Goral junction, the village demolished for the 55th time.
October 2 - Wadi al-Na`am, Bedouin unrecognized village near Ramat Hovav, one house demolished.
September 17 – Tel Sheva, Bedouin planned town, one house demolished.
September 17 – al-Furah, Bedouin recognized village south west of Arad, one house demolished.
September 17 – al-Za`rura, Bedouin unrecognized village south of route 31, one house demolished.
September 17 – `Atir, Bedouin unrecognized village north east of Hura, five houses demolished.
September 17 – al-`Araqib, Bedouin unrecognized village west of route 40 between Lehavim and Goral junction, the village demolished for the 54th time.
September 11 – Rahat, Bedouin planned city, three structures demolished.
September 11 – Wadi al-Na`am, Bedouin unrecognized village near Ramat Hovav, one structure demolished.
September 10 – Bir Hadaj, Bedouin recognized village near Kibbutz Revivim, demolition orders distributed.
September 9 – al-Zarnuk, Bedouin unrecognized village northe of route 25, demolition and evacuation orders distributed.
September 9 – al-Shahabi, Bedouin unrecognized village south of route 25, demolition orders distributed.
September 3 – Wadi Gwain, Bedouin unrecognized village south of route 31, one house demolished.
August 26 – Qasr al-Sir, Bedouin recognized village near route 25, one house demolished.
August 26 – Tel Sheva, Bedouin planned town, one house demolished.
August 26 – al-`Araqib village, all structures demolished for the 53rd time.
August 21 – Sawawin, Bedouin unrecognized village south of route 25, south west of the town of Segev Shalom, one house demolished.
August 21 – al-`Araqib village, all structures demolished for the 52nd time.
August 15 – al-`Araqib village, all structures demolished for the 51st time.
August 15 – Abo-Krenat, Bedouin recognized village near route 31, 2 houses demolished.
August 14 – Kseife, Bedouin planned town, 3 houses and one structure demolished, a couple of trees uprooted.
August 14 – Umm Batin, Bedouin recognized village east of Tel Sheva, one house demolished.
August 13 – Sawawin, Bedouin unrecognized village, 5 demolition orders distributed.
August 12 – Bir Hadaj, Bedouin recognized village near Kibbutz Revivim, demolition orders distributed.
July 16 – al-`Araqib village, all structures demolished for the 50th time.
July 2 – Laquia, Bedouin planned town, one house demolished.
July 2 – Segev-Shalom, Bedouin planned town, one structure demolished.
June 27 – `Atir, Bedouin unrecognized village northeast of Hura, 7 houses and tents demolished.
June 19 – al-`Araqib village, all structures demolished for the 49th time.
June 19 – Laqiya, Bedouin planned town, one house demolished.
June 19– Umm Batin, Bedouin recognized village east of Tel Sheva, one house demolished.
June 12 – Qasr al-Sir, Bedouin recognized village, a house, shop, and another structure demolished.
May 30 – al-Bat, Bedouin unrecognized village, one house demolished.
May 30 – al-Rarah, Bedouin unrecognized village, one house demolished.
May 30 – Bir al Meshash, Bedouin unrecognized village, 2 houses demolished. The police fired rubber bullets, injuring residents. Two people arrested.
May 30 – `Atir, Bedouin unrecognized village northeast of Hura, 5 houses demolished; residents’ belongings confiscated.
May 30 – al-`Araqib village, all structures demolished for the 48th time.
May 29 –Rahat Industrial Zone, a farm demolished.
May 22 – Three houses demolished in the recognized village of al-Said, near Hura.
May 20 – Tent burned in Bir Hadij.
May 16 – A large police force and the Israel Land Administration (ILA) barricaded the unrecognized village of `Atir in the northern Negev, carried out fifteen demolitions in the village, and uprooted many trees.
May 9 – al-`Araqib demolished for the 47th time.
May 9 –Khirbat al-Batl, south of Rahat, one house demolished.
May 9 – Segev-Shalom tow, one structure demolished.
May 9 – al-Sayyid, one house demolished.
April 22 – Rahat, a house demolished.
April 22 – North of Ar’ara Benegev, a shack demolished.
April 18 – Wadi al-Na’am, a shop demolished.
April 18 – Umm-Ratam, a house demolished.
April 18 – South of Rahat, a house demolished.
April 10 – al-`Araqib demolished for the 46th time.
March 13 – Wadi al-Meshash, one house demolished and a teenage female arrested.
March 11 – Tel al-Malakh, west of Kseife, one house demolished.
March 13 – al-`Araqib, west of route 40 between Lehavim and Goral junctions, the village demolished for the 45th time.
March 11 – Makhul, one house demolished.
March 11 – West of Kseife, one shack demolished.
February 27 – Kseife, one house demolished.
February 27 – al-Zarnug, an unrecognized village north of route 25, an animal pen demolished.
February 27 – Umm-Batin, northeast of Tel Sheva, one house demolished.
February 21 – North east of Hura, dozens of acres plowed.
February 21 – Sawa, dozens of acres plowed.
February 21 – Qasr al-Sir, dozens of acres plowed.
February 19 – Wadi al-Na`am, an unrecognized Bedouin village near Ramat Hovav, fields plowed.
February 12 – West of al-`Araqib, west of route 40, between Lehavim and Goral junctions, five houses of the al-`Uqbi family demolished.
February 12 – al-`Araqib, west of route 40, between Lehavim and Goral junctions, the village demolished for the 44th time.
February 12 – Umm-Batin, northeast of Tel Sheva, hundreds of acres of fields plowed.
February 12 – Lakiya, hundreds of acres of fields plowed.
February 12– Khirbat al-Batel, south of Rahat, hundreds of acres of fields plowed.
February 6 – al-Sayyid, west of Hura, three houses demolished.
February 6 – Wadi al-Na’am, near Ramat-Hovav east of route 40, one house and one stable demolished.
February 5 – South of Rahat, hundreds of acres of fields plowed.
January 17 – al-`Araqib, a Bedouin unrecognized village, west of route 40 between Lehavim and Goral junctions, demolished for the 43rd time.
January 17 – al-Madbakh, east of Segev-Shalom, two houses demolished.
January 17 – Lakiya, one house demolished.
January 12 – Dakhia, north of Rahat, one house demolished.
January 12 –Tel Sheva, one house demolished.
January 9 – Umm-Namila, north of Rahat, one house demolished.
January 9 – Tel Sheva, one house demolished.
المصدر: http://www.dukium.org/eng/?page_id=885 وغيرها.