Call for Case Studies on Community Access to Inform the Board of the Fund for Responding to Loss and Damage

Ahead of the fifth meeting of the Board (B5) of the Fund for Responding to Loss and Damage (FRLD) which will take place on the 8-10 of April 2025 in Bridge Town, Barbados, we are seeking case studies on access to climate, development or humanitarian finance for communities, Indigenous Peoples, local Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and organisations representing marginalised groups.

This form will stay open as long as access modalities for the FRLD are being discussed. The case studies submitted by the 28 March 2025 at 23:59 GMT will be part of a submission to B5.

This effort is a civil society initiative responding to a request made by the Board members of the FRLD at the 2nd meeting of the Fund. The aim of this call for case studies is to create a repository that can be handed over to the Board containing a broad base of case studies and examples to highlight lessons learned regarding the importance of community access to and ownership of Loss and Damage finance and how best to realise it. Special interest is on transferable practices and procedures irrespective of sectors that could be considered at and replicated under the FRLD. Therefore, while specific examples of community access to Loss and Damage finance are welcome, examples of challenges, realized opportunities and experiences with community access in relation to other types of climate finance, as well as development and humanitarian finance, will also be appreciated.

Case Studies:

Recognising the diversity of ways that case studies and examples can be captured, the following list should be considered a non-prescriptive guide when submitting. We welcome stand-alone published case studies, case studies published in briefs (please indicate page numbers), unpublished case studies (text or linked documents), video/photo essay case studies.

Format of Submissions:

This form will accept website links, links to videos (e.g. hosted on YouTube) and links to documents hosted on platforms such as Google Drive, Open Drive and Dropbox (e.g., PDF, Word, txt etc.) as well as written input. When submitting written input, we strongly recommend copy and pasting this from another document rather than writing into the form directly (submissions are welcome in any language). If you prefer to present your case study as an oral presentation, please submit a link to a video or audio file of yourself or a team member discussing the project (this should be hosted a platform such as YouTube). Make sure it captures key elements like community engagement, outcomes, and unique aspects of your work. Additionally, If you have a video that showcases your project, you may also share it here to bring your case study to life.

If you are unable to host a file online you may email your file to:

Access the form here

• البيئة المستدامة
• التخفيف من حدة الكوارث
• التشريد
• التمويل
• النازحين
• تدمير الموئل
• تغير المناخ
• دولي
• منظومة الأمم المتحدة
• نزع المكلية