Cases Developement
09 May 2004 Eviction orders withdrawn, negociations

According to our local source, Mr. Odindo Opiata, following the 26 April Court case, one of the state corporations involved (Kenya Railways)eventually has agreed to withdraw formally its eviction notices pending the resettlement plans by the government. A few days ago, the Railways authorities have promised that they will start an enumeration process in Kibera as the first step in assisting them to plan. They say that Kibera is only the beginning and that they intend to do the same with all the other similarly situated settlements. They seem to have been very impressed with what they saw in India during a tour organized by one of a local NGO partner (Pamoja Trust). It is however clear that any long lasting approach must come from the Government. Local NGOs already have had a successful meeting with the local councilors in order to get their support as the struggle moves into the political arena. They also have liaised with friendly members of parliament who are planning to seek a ministerial statement on the matter. In the meantime plans are at an advanced stage to meet with the Parliamentary committee on health, labor housing and social welfare so that they can begin to address the policy aspects of the issue. In short, the NGOs are trying to develop a long term strategy so that the current crisis is not treated just as an episode but as an opportunity to provide a more sustainable solution to the whole issue of evictions.

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