News (2)
Journée d’action en solidarité avec le soulèvement palestinien |
By :Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network |
18 May 2021 |
Alors qu’Israël continue ses massacres à Gaza, ses attaques à Jérusalem et les violences de colons dans toute la Palestine occupée, de la mer au Jourdain, les Palestiniens ont appelé à une grève générale !
Le réseau de solidarité avec les prisonniers palestiniens Samidoun, dont est membre le Collectif Palestine Vaincra, se joint More...
Sahara occidental : Lettre ouverte au SG de l’ONU |
By :Groupe de Soutien de Genève pour la Protection et la Promotion des Droiits Humains au Sahara occidental |
16 April 2021 |
Lettre ouverte au Secrétaire Général de l’ONU
Genève / Bir Lehlu, 16 avril 2021
Si vous êtes neutre dans des situations d`injustice, vous avez choisi le camp de l`oppresseur. Si un éléphant a son pied sur la queue d`une souris et que vous dites que vous êtes neutre, la souris n`appréciera pas More...
Document Title
Publication Date |
Hamas ‘Civilian’ Targets on 7 October 2023
30 October 2023 |
Housing and Land Rights Network Solutions to Loss and Damage Associated with Climate Change
06 January 2023 |
Israeli Apartheid: Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism
27 December 2022 |
Response to the call for inputs to the Special Rapporteur on the right to food report on the adverse impact of climate change on the right to food
09 December 2022 |
Housing and Property Restitution in Middle East and North Africa
30 November 2022 |
When Housing Rights Violations Constitute International Crime: Applicable Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
06 May 2022 |
Human Rights Related to Habitat (Land, Housing, Population Transfer, Natural Resources) in Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara
16 March 2022 |
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Committee on Israel’s Sixth Periodic Review
31 January 2022 |
Entrenching and Maintaining an Apartheid Regime over the Palestinian People as a Whole
07 January 2022 |
Conflict, Occupation, War amid Global Cease-fire
18 October 2021 |
Un derecho humano a la tierra
05 August 2021 |
Deconstructing Israel`s Housing and Land Apartheid
31 May 2021 |
Joint Input to SR on human rights in occupied Palestine
30 April 2021 |
How Israeli Apartheid Affects the Syrian Golan
28 January 2021 |
Bibliography on Israeli Apartheid
28 January 2021 |
UNSRs Address Israel over Naqab Demolitions
21 December 2020 |
UNSRs Address Israel over Naqab Demolitions
21 December 2020 |
تقرير جديد: الأرض وسط الجائحة
11 December 2020 |
How Israeli Apartheid Affects the Syrian Golan
09 December 2020 |
"A Pandemic of Violations"
05 October 2020 |
جائحة من الانتهاكات الإخلاء القسري، وغيره من انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان المرتبطة بالموئل وسط جائحة كوفيد-19
05 October 2020 |
الهدم الذاتي لمساكن الفلسطينيين في القدس: جريمة احتلالية مضاعفة بحق الإنسانية
04 October 2020 |
الهدم الذاتي لمساكن الفلسطينيين في القدس: جريمة احتلالية مضاعفة بحق الإنسانية
04 October 2020 |
Input to HIC-HLRN World Habitat Day Report 2020
25 September 2020 |
Recognizing Israel’s Practice of Apartheid and Reconstituting the UN Centre against Apartheid
16 September 2020 |
Tools to Remedy Israeli Apartheid: Reconstituting the UN Special Committee against Apartheid and the UN Centre against Apartheid
01 September 2020 |
Patterns of Crime against Land & Housing amid COVID
12 August 2020 |
Arguments Raised in Amici Curiae Submissions in the Situation in the State of Palestine before the International Criminal Court
29 April 2020 |
Palestine/ZA: Sharpeville 60 Years on, Apartheid Continues
22 March 2020 |
Statement on the conclusion of the preliminary examination of the Situation in Palestine, and seeking a ruling on the scope of the Court’s territorial jurisdiction
20 December 2019 |
بيان بشأن اختتام الدراسة الأوّلية للحالة في فلسطين، واستصدار قرار بشأن نطاق الاختصاص الإقليمي للمحكمة
20 December 2019 |
Israel’s Implementation of Covenant Rights and Obligations Related to Habitat
06 September 2019 |
The Liberation of Palestine Represents an Alternative Path for Native Nations
06 September 2019 |
Joint Submission to 100th Session of CERD on Israel`s Periodic Report
05 September 2019 |
Al-Haq International Law Summer School 2019!
30 April 2019 |
Situation in the State of Palestine, ICC-01/18
30 April 2019 |
Israel’s Implementation of Covenant Rights and Obligations Related to Habitat
17 January 2019 |
Transmission letter to Israel’s Implementation of Covenant Rights and Obligations Related to Habitat
17 January 2019 |
Nuremberg judgments
10 December 2018 |
SDG Land Indicators presentation
27 April 2018 |
International sources on the concept and criteria of “landlessness”
31 December 2017 |
برنامج منتدى الأرض لشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا
25 October 2017 |
Peace Block letter on Sur, Diyarbakır
19 August 2017 |
The Walled City of Diyarbakır: Conflict, Dispossession and Destruction Damage Assessment Report
01 August 2017 |
Human Rights Habitat Observatory
10 July 2017 |
أبعاد حقوق الإنسان التي ينطوي عليها نقل السكان، بما في ذلك توطين المستوطنين، E/CN.4/Sub.2/1994/18
30 June 2017 |
الممارسات الإسرائيلية تجاه الشعب الفلسطيني ومسألة الفصل العنصري (الأبارتهيت)، موجز تنفيذي
15 March 2017 |
Permanent Mission of Turkey response to UN Special Rapporteurs
20 January 2017 |
حصيلة الانتهاكات الإسرائيلية على حقوق الأراض والسكن في المناطق الفلسطينية المحتلة
31 December 2016 |
Fact Sheet on Israeli Housing and Land Rights Violations during 2016
31 December 2016 |
HIC-HLRN statement on Security Council resolution 2334
28 December 2016 |
بيان للتحالف الدولي للموئل –شبكة حقوق الأرض والسكن بشأن قرار مجلس الأمن رقم 2334
28 December 2016 |
Resolution on Israeli settler colonies, S/RES/2334 (2016)
23 December 2016 |
Resolution on Israeli settler colonies, S/RES/2334 (2016) Ar
23 December 2016 |
“We are at breaking point,” Rohingya: Persecuted in Myanmar, Neglected in Bangladesh
19 December 2016 |
UN Special Rapporteurs joint communication to Permanent Mission of Turkey
21 September 2016 |
Restoring Human Rights and Habitat to the Habitat III Process and New Habitat Agenda
19 July 2016 |
Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises
15 October 2015 |
Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations of Local Government
20 July 2015 |
البيان الختامي من المؤتمر الثاني للحق الفلسطيني في الأرض والسكن: عيش بكرامة...وحق بالوجود
28 May 2015 |
المجموعة الكاملة لتعليقات آلية المجتمع المدني على إطار عمل لجنة الأمن الغذائي العالمي
24 April 2015 |
Matthew J. Lister, “Self-Determination, Dissent, and the Problem of Population Transfers”
11 March 2015 |
The Right to the City: Jerusalem
26 October 2014 |
Small Farmer Uprisings and Rural Neglect in Egypt and Tunisia
30 September 2014 |
“Self- Determination, Statehood, and the Refugee Question under International Law in Namibia, Palestine, Western Sahara, and Tibet”
01 September 2014 |
Susan M. Akram, “Self- Determination, Statehood, and the Refugee Question under International Law in Namibia, Palestine, Western Sahara, and Tibet”
01 September 2014 |
ETOs and Situations of Conflict, Occupation and War: Applying the Maastricht Principles
11 July 2013 |
Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context, Raquel Rolnik, Mission to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory, A/HRC/22/4
24 December 2012 |
Toward the Conference of High Contracting Parties of the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (1949) on measures to enforce the Convention in the occupied Palestinian territory
01 April 2010 |
العراق: قانون هيئة دعاوي الملكية
09 March 2010 |
Law on compensating people affected by War Operations, Military accidental errors, and Terrorist Actions, Number 20 (2009)
28 December 2009 |
A Covenant of Dispossession and Genocide
15 July 2008 |
United Nations Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples
02 October 2007 |
Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones
02 October 2007 |
المبادئ الأساسية والمبادئ التوجيهية بشأن عمليات الإخلاء بدافع التنمية والمهجرين، A/ HRC/4/18
26 August 2007 |
Principios básicos y directrices sobre los desalojos y el desplazamiento generados por el desarrollo, A/HRC/4/18
05 February 2007 |
Namibia: amendments to draft resolution A/C.3/61/L.18/Rev.1 concerning Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
21 November 2006 |
Housing and property restitution in the context of the return of refugees and internally displaced persons, E/CN.4/Sub.2/2005/17
28 June 2005 |
رد المساكن والممتلكات في سياق عودة اللاجئين والمشردين داخلياً "المبادئ المتعلقة برد المساكن والممتلكات إلى اللاجئين والمشردين، E/CN.4/Sub.2/2005/17
28 June 2005 |
Institutionalized Discrimination against Palestinians in Lebanon
01 March 2004 |
“Forced Population Transfers in Early Ottoman Imperial Strategy: A Comparative Approach,”
05 May 2003 |
تقرير المقرر الخاص المعني بالسكن اللائق بوصفع عنصراً من عناصر الحق في مستوى معيشي لائق، السيد ميلون كوتهاري، في زيارته إلى الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة، زيارة الأرض الفلسطينية المحتلة، E / CN.4 / 2003/5 / ADD.1
17 June 2002 |
Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, Mr. Miloon Kothari, on his visit to the occupied Palestinian territories, E/CN.4/2003/5/Add.1
17 June 2002 |
House demolitions in `Isawiya neighborhood of occupied Jerusalem
14 February 2002 |
تدمير المنازل في قريةالعيسوية بالقدس المحتلة
14 February 2002 |
Right to Adequate Housing in Occupied Territories of the World!
06 June 2001 |
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
17 July 1998 |
نظام روما الاساسي للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية
17 July 1998 |
Draft Declaration on Population Transfer and the Implantation of Settlers, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1997/23
27 June 1997 |
مشروع إعلان عن نقل السكان وغرس المستوطنين، E/CN.4/Sub.2/1997/23
27 June 1997 |
“Human rights and population transfer,” Final report of the Special Rapporteur, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1997/23
27 June 1997 |
"حقوق الإنسان ونقل السكان،" التقرير النهائي للمقرر الخاص،E/CN.4/Sub.2/1997/23
27 June 1997 |
إعلان القدس: مشروع ميثاق حركة حقوق السكن الفلسطينية
29 May 1995 |
The Addis Ababa Document on Refugees and Forced Population Displacements in Africa
10 September 1994 |
The human rights dimensions of population transfer, including the implantation of settlers, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1994/18
30 June 1994 |
أبعاد حقوق الإنسان اللتي يحتوي عليها نقل السكان، بما في ذلك توطين المستوطنين" تقرير مرحلي أعده السيد عون شوكت الخصاونة، المقرر الخاص، E/CN.4/Sub.2/1994/18
30 June 1994 |
Christopher M. Goebel, “A Unified Concept of Population Transfer”
01 October 1993 |
The human rights dimensions of population transfer, including the implantation of settlers, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1993/17
06 July 1993 |
إبعاد حقوق الانسان اللتي تنطوي عليها نقل السكان، بما في ذلك التوطين والمستوطنين
06 July 1993 |
Claire Palley, "Population Transfer and International Law"
12 January 1992 |
الاتفاقية رقم 169 بشأن الشعوب الأصلية والقبلية في البلدان المستقلة
27 June 1989 |
The situation in the Middle East, A/RES/37/123
14 December 1984 |
The situation in the Middle East, A/RES/39/146
16 December 1982 |
The situation in the Middle East, A/RES/39/146
16 December 1982 |
S/RES/465 (1980)
01 March 1980 |
Letter of the State Department Legal Advisor, Mr. Herbert J. Hansell, Concerning the Legality of Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Territories
21 April 1978 |
Land. That’s What Habitat Was About
23 June 1976 |
“Legal Problems Concerning the Juridical Status and Political Activities of the Zionist Organization / Jewish Agency: A Study in International and United States Law,” William and Mary Law Review, Vol. 9, No. 1
31 December 1967 |
The Zionist-Israel Juridical Claims to Constitute “the Jewish People” Nationality and to Confer Membership in It: Appraisal in Public International Law
01 January 1964 |
Jewish National Fund, Memorandum of Association
23 December 1956 |