Living conditions that the State must respect, protect and fulfill such that integrates the following in elements and entitlements:
- legal security of tenure,
- reasonable access to public goods and services,
- reasonable access to environmental goods and services,
- affordability at a level that does not threaten other basic needs (usually meaning a cost of no more than 30% of household income spent on housing, maintenance and services),
- habitability, with sound structure; adequate space, lighting and ventilation; a clean and healthy environment; and corresponding with human needs for physical health and safety;
- physical accessibility, particularly for those with special physical or mobility constraints;
- a location that is safe, reasonably accessible to work and economic resources, services and community;
- cultural adequacy, such that corresponds with custom and practice that ensures participation in cultural life.
Adequate housing also embodies the congruent human rights of:
- participation, freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly;
- education, information, capability and capacity building;
- displaced persons’ rights to reparation (i.e., restitution, return, resettlement, rehabilitation, compensation and pledge of nonrepetition); refugee rights to nonrefoulement (the prohibition against coerced return), and freedom of movement; and
- security of person and privacy, including protection of the family and freedom from domestic violence.