For the last three years, the Global Frackdown initiative has played an important role in connecting the collective movement against fracking and elevating the call to ban fracking and related infrastructure and processes. It has shed
Published : 15 June 2015HIC at the Expo dei Popoli, Milan From 3-5 June 2015, international social movements and NGOs working on issues of food sovereignty and environmental justice gathered together in Milan at the Expo dei Popoli. This event
Published : 10 June 2015By rejecting a petition by Palestinian residents of Area C, Israel’s High Court of Justice effectively cemented two separate planning regimes on the same plot of land: one for Jews, another for Palestinians. Israel’s High Court
Published : 05 June 2015The international system of development is too often failing to deliver to local communities. Next year’s cities conference is a key opportunity to change that. In April, I was part of the official Egyptian delegation to
Published : 04 June 2015Brazil`s government favors easing land-ownership restrictions for foreigners to help offset flagging commodities demand, Attorney General Luis Inacio Adams said. "I`m in favor of more flexibility on land ownership," Adams said in an interview.
Published : 03 June 2015Late on Monday, New York time, the co-chairs of the Open Working Group the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, Ambassador Macharia Kamau of Kenya and Ambassador David Donoghue of Ireland have released the zero draft of
Published : 02 June 2015New York—The International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net) sent a letter to the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia to express serious concern over the conditions faced by thousands of families
Published : 01 June 2015On Friday, 29 May, France’s Constitutional Council rejected the demands of [Société d’Aménagement Urbain et Rural] SAUR (the third largest French water multinational corporation), which alleged that a Law passed 15 April 2013 (loi Brottes n° 2013–312)
Published : 29 May 2015Landmark Governing Council session debates UN-Habitat’s role in the development agenda NAIROBI—The 25th session of the UN-Habitat Governing Council concluded on 23 April, following a week of debate on the wide array of issues surrounding today’s
Published : 28 May 2015