Corruption, Illegal Destruction of Property

What is affected
Housing private
Land Private
Type of violation Forced eviction
Date 08 August 2006
Region A [ Asia ]
Country Cambodia
Location Chi Khor Leu commune, Sre Ambel district, Koh Kong province1

Affected persons

Total 2500
Men 0
Women 0
Children 0
Proposed solution Hold Senator Ly Yongphat accountable for the destruction of the crops belonging to those villagers and for the injuries inflicted on some of them by the police during the eviction process. The Cambodian government should seek the lifting of his parliament
Details Cambodia0906.doc
Development AHRC-Cambodia080207.pdf

Forced eviction

Duty holder(s) /responsible party(ies)

1. Senator Mr. Ly Yong Phat, who owns Agriculture Duty Free-Shop Development Company, unidentified 6 agents from the military police and 3 from the national police
Brief narrative
Costs €   0
