San Roque Multi-purpose Project: Massive Displacements with Inadequate Compensation |
What is affected |
Type of violation |
Forced eviction Dispossession/confiscation |
Date | 01 November 1998 | ||||||||||||
Region | A [ Asia ] | ||||||||||||
Country | Philippines | ||||||||||||
Location | Communities along Agno River | ||||||||||||
Affected persons |
Proposed solution | Stop eviction. Authorities provide reparation for those dispossessed, injured and killed. | ||||||||||||
Details |
Japanese funded dams2006case.pdf |
Development | |||||||||||||
Forced eviction | |||||||||||||
Costs | |||||||||||||
Housing losses | |||||||||||||
- Number of homes | |||||||||||||
- Total value € | |||||||||||||
Infrastructure | |||||||||||||
Duty holder(s) /responsible party(ies) |
Brief narrative | Resettlement, economical dislocation and no proper compensationAs more than 4,000 hectares of land were expropriated by the San Roque Multipurpose Project,2,500 families were also forced to give up their agricultural land to make way for the project,including some 750 families’ resettlement, and more than 3,000 gold-panners lost their livelihoods.Most of these people were tenant subsistence farmers who met their basic needs from gold-panning,farming, gardening, charcoal making and animal raising. These farmers had no choice but to agreeto be relocated since the NPC had explained that this was the national project and no choice weregiven to them. They were made to sign forms in English indicating their agreement to be relocatedwith compensation, even though most of them did not understand English.The farmers were entitled only to cash compensation for their land, houses, land improvements, orcrops and were given no alternative means to restore their livelihoods. NPC hasn’t yet completedpaying for the approximately 30 % of the expropriation cases, allegedly due to the defectiveness ofnecessary documents for compensation, such as land title, or the dual claims to a certain lots. | ||||||||||||
Costs | € 0 | ||||||||||||