News (10)
Nouveau rapport : Compter les coûts, les pertes et les dommages |
18 February 2024 |
À l`occasion de la Journée mondiale de l`habitat 2023, ce rapport de la base de données sur les violations (VDB) Counting Costs, Loss & Damage: Quantifying Impacts of Habitat-related Human Rights Violations amid Environmental Hazards and Climate-change sélectionne des cas de violations des droits en matière de logement et de More...
Perspectives de la société civile sur l`utilisation et l`application des Directives Volontaires sur la Gouvernance Responsable des Régimes Fonciers Applicables aux Terres, aux Pêches et aux Forêts |
By :Philip Seufert |
06 September 2023 |
Comment aborder les cas liés au changement climatique dans la BDV |
07 September 2022 |
Pourquoi rejeter la privatisation des terres |
By :Oakland Institute |
25 February 2021 |
C’est notre terre, Pourquoi rejeter la privatisation des terres coutumières
L`Oakland Institute publie C’est notre terre, Pourquoi rejeter la privatisation des terres coutumières, un document éducatif qui démystifie les arguments utilisés pour privatiser les terres dans le monde, tout en démontrant comment les systèmes fonciers coutumiers sont essentiels pour protéger les moyens More...
Revue Nationale Volontaire sur les Objectifs de Développement Durable en Mauritanie |
By :Réseau Mauritanien pour l’Action Sociale |
13 July 2019 |
CDH adopte la Déclaration des droits des paysans |
By :La Via Campesina |
30 September 2018 |
Le Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU adopte une résolution en faveur de la Déclaration des droits des paysans à Genève
GENÈVE—Après dix-sept ans de négociations, longues et ardues, les paysans et autres personnes travaillant dans les zones rurales ne sont plus qu’à un pas de la Déclaration des Nations More...
UE : Fin du monopole des multinationales agricoles ? |
By :Flehetna (Tunisie) |
02 May 2018 |
UE : Fin du monopole des multinationales agricoles, les agriculteurs bio pourront bientôt vendre leurs propres grains
La nouvelle loi votée par le Parlement européen et autorisant la « reproduction végétale de matériel hétérogène biologique » entrera en application prochainement …. Elle serait sur le point de rompre avec le monopole More...
Nouveau Programme pour les villes, A/71/L.23 |
By :UN General Assembly |
21 November 2016 |
Déclaration de HIC à Quito |
By :Habitat International Coalition |
16 October 2016 |
Vers un Habitat des Droits de l`Homme
La Coalition Internationale de l’Habitat (HIC) – mouvement mondial de plus de 400 organisations d’Adhérentes et Adhérents qui travaillent à la réalisation des droits de l`Homme à l`habitat, à la terre, au logement, et aux droits connexes – s’est constituée lors de la première More...
Déclaration Finale, Atelier de formation des Communautés Locales d’Inga sur La Quantification des conséquences du déplacement |
By :ADEV |
29 April 2016 |
Document Title
Publication Date |
Climate Finance Table - Tunisia
23 August 2024 |
Assessing Loss and Damage Impacts Associated with Climate Change
21 November 2023 |
Perspectives de la société civile sur l`utilisation et l`application des Directives Volontaires sur la Gouvernance Responsable des Régimes Fonciers Applicables aux Terres, aux Pêches et aux Forêts
06 September 2023 |
General comment No. 26 (2023) on children’s rights and the environment, with a special focus on climate change
22 August 2023 |
Solutions to Loss and Damage Associated with Climate Change
21 March 2023 |
Climate Finance in Egypt (table)
10 March 2023 |
Israeli Apartheid: Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism
27 December 2022 |
Response to the call for inputs to the Special Rapporteur on the right to food report on the adverse impact of climate change on the right to food
09 December 2022 |
How to consider climate change-related cases in the VDB
07 September 2022 |
Comment aborder les cas liés au changement climatique dans la BDV
07 September 2022 |
Gold Extractivism- Sudan
16 June 2022 |
Human Rights Related to Habitat (Land, Housing, Population Transfer, Natural Resources) in Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara
16 March 2022 |
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Committee on Israel’s Sixth Periodic Review
31 January 2022 |
Entrenching and Maintaining an Apartheid Regime over the Palestinian People as a Whole
07 January 2022 |
Climate Justice
25 November 2021 |
Conflict, Occupation, War amid Global Cease-fire
18 October 2021 |
Un derecho humano a la tierra
05 August 2021 |
Deconstructing Israel`s Housing and Land Apartheid
31 May 2021 |
A Human Right to Land
24 February 2021 |
How Israeli Apartheid Affects the Syrian Golan
28 January 2021 |
تقرير جديد: الأرض وسط الجائحة
11 December 2020 |
"A Pandemic of Violations"
05 October 2020 |
Recognizing Israel’s Practice of Apartheid and Reconstituting the UN Centre against Apartheid
16 September 2020 |
Arguments Raised in Amici Curiae Submissions in the Situation in the State of Palestine before the International Criminal Court
29 April 2020 |
Interpreting the Human Right to Land within ICESCR
03 April 2020 |
Statement on the conclusion of the preliminary examination of the Situation in Palestine, and seeking a ruling on the scope of the Court’s territorial jurisdiction
20 December 2019 |
Land Inequality Framing Document
30 October 2019 |
Israel’s Implementation of Covenant Rights and Obligations Related to Habitat
06 September 2019 |
Revue Nationale Volontaire sur les Objectifs de Développement Durable en Mauritanie
13 July 2019 |
Toward a New Stakeholder Compact for the New Urban Agenda
30 May 2019 |
Al-Haq International Law Summer School 2019!
30 April 2019 |
Situation in the State of Palestine, ICC-01/18
30 April 2019 |
HIC’s role in the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty: Representing the Urban Constituency
02 July 2018 |
"No hunger on earth as of today"
21 February 2018 |
Right to the City Charter in Greater Beirut
17 November 2017 |
Final Report of the Sixth Session of the Land Forum in MENA
30 October 2017 |
برنامج منتدى الأرض لشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا
25 October 2017 |
Human Rights Habitat Observatory
10 July 2017 |
“Spotlight” on UN High-Level Forum, SDGs
10 July 2017 |
19 June 2017 |
The Right to Adequate Food Seminar: Promoting accountability of food security actions to the people most affected by food insecurity and malnutrition
24 January 2017 |
المياه في المنطقة العربية ... من الملك العام للخصخصة
23 January 2017 |
The Impact of the Daryan Dam on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
28 October 2016 |
Queer Declaration calling for inclusion in Habitat 3
07 September 2016 |
What Papua New Guinea Said
26 July 2016 |
Habitat II Commitments on Rural Habitat
21 July 2016 |
Restoring Human Rights and Habitat to the Habitat III Process and New Habitat Agenda
19 July 2016 |
HIC response to Habitat III revised zero draft
28 June 2016 |
Commentarios de la HIC sobre el borrador cero revisado del Habitat III
28 June 2016 |
CFS Recommendations on Connecting Smallholders to Markets
09 June 2016 |
Déclaration Finale, Atelier de formation des Communautés Locales d’Inga sur La Quantification des conséquences du déplacement
29 April 2016 |
Livret vert de la Convergence
19 March 2016 |
Livret vert de la Convergence des luttes pour la terre et l`eau
19 March 2016 |
التوصية العامة رقم 34 بشأن حقوق المرأة الريفية
07 March 2016 |
Comments on Habitat III Policy Paper Frameworks (overview)
31 January 2016 |
The Paris Agreement, FCCC/CP/2015/L.9/Rev.1
12 December 2015 |
اتفاق باريس، FCCC/CP/2015/L.9/Rev.1
12 December 2015 |
"Key Issues and Recommendations," Housing in the City We Need UTC
18 November 2015 |
Security of Tenure through the Habitat Agenda, 1976–2016
16 November 2015 |
تحويل عالمنا: خطة التنمية المستدامة لعام ٢٠٣٠، A/RES/70/1
21 October 2015 |
تحويل عالمنا: خطة التنمية المستدامة لعام 2030 A/RES/70/1
21 October 2015 |
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, A/RES/70/1
21 October 2015 |
إطار العمل بشأن الأمن الغذائي والتغذية في الأزمات الممتدة
15 October 2015 |
HIC Comments on Habitat III Issue Papers
31 July 2015 |
National Habitat III Parallel-reporting Tool
20 July 2015 |
The Third Airport Project vis-à-vis Life, Nature, Environment, People and Law
15 May 2015 |
إتفاق حول إعلان مبادئ حول سد النهضة الإثيوبي العظيم
23 March 2015 |
Habitat II Evaluation Criteria
03 March 2015 |
El papel de las autoridades locales y otros niveles subnacionales de gobierno, A/HRC/28/62
22 December 2014 |
Vienna, Menschenrechte in der Stadt: Eine Stadt für Alle
19 December 2014 |
المبادئ الخاصة بإستثمات الارشيدة في الزراعة واانظم الغذئية
18 October 2014 |
تقرير المقررة الخاصة المعنية بحق الإنسان في الحصول على مياه الشرب المأمونة وخدمات الصرف الصحي: البعثة إلى الأردن
05 August 2014 |
Concept Paper for a FAO Inventory of Legal Norms Applied to Protracted Crises
12 August 2013 |
Gwangju Human Rights Charter (English version)
21 May 2012 |
Urban policies and the right to the city: Rights Responsibilities and Citizenship
16 March 2009 |
“De Vancouver 1976 a Vancouver 2006: Una revisión critica desde la perspectiva no gubernamental”
01 October 2008 |
Water as a Human Right for the Middle East and North Africa
15 June 2008 |
United Nations Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples
02 October 2007 |
إعلان الأمم المتحدة بشأن حقوق الشعوب الأصلية
02 October 2007 |
Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas
02 October 2007 |
إعلان توصيات مؤتمر الفلاحين الدولى - إعلان نياليني
27 February 2007 |
إدارة المياه العابرة للحدود
15 June 2006 |
The European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life
16 May 2006 |
"Land, Territory and Dignity" Forum Declaration
09 March 2006 |
Montréal Charter of Rights and Responsibilities (Arabic version)
20 June 2005 |
Montréal Charter of Rights and Responsibilities (English version)
20 June 2005 |
Montréal Charter of Rights and Responsibilities (French version)
20 June 2005 |
Arab Declaration on Sustainable Development
24 October 2001 |
المسؤلية الدولية عن النتائج الضارة الناجمة عن أفعال لا يحظرها القانون الدولي (منع الضرر العابر للحدود الناجم عن أنشطة الخانرة)
10 August 2001 |
The Investment Encouragement Act 1999 (Amended 2007)
22 July 1999 |
“Study on treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and indigenous populations,” Final report by the Special Rapporteur, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1999/20
22 June 1999 |
”دراسة في المعاهدات والاتفاقات وغيرها من الترتيبات البنّاءة بين الدول والسكان الشعوب الأصلية،" تقرير نهائي مقدم من المقرر الخاص، E/CN.4/Sub.2/1999/20
22 June 1999 |
Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses, New York, 21 May 1997.
21 May 1997 |
اتفاقية قانون استخدام المجاري المائية الدولية في الأغراض غير الملاحية
21 May 1997 |
Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements and the Habitat Agenda, A/CONF.165/14
14 June 1996 |
Declaración de Estambul sobre los Asentamientos Humanos y Programa de Hábitat, A/CONF.65/14
14 June 1996 |
إعلان استمبول وجدول أعمال المستوطنات البشرية
14 April 1996 |
Constructing a New Social Alternative
03 February 1996 |
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa.
14 October 1994 |
اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة التصحر في البلدان التي تعاني من الجفاف الشديد و /أو من التصحر، وبخاصة في إفريقيا
14 October 1994 |
"إعلان ريو بشأن البيئة والتنمية"، "جدول أعمال القرن 21،" تقرير الأمم المتحدة المعني بالبيئة والتنمية، A / CONF.151 / 26 (المجلد الأول)
12 August 1992 |
Agenda 21
14 June 1992 |
لجنة الحقوق الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية و الثقافية، التعليق العام رقم 4 "الحق في السكن"
13 December 1991 |
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Comment No. 4 "The right to housing"
13 December 1991 |
الاتفاقية رقم 169 بشأن الشعوب الأصلية والقبلية في البلدان المستقلة
27 June 1989 |
Right to the City in Greater Beirut p
01 January 1970 |
Convention and Statute on the Régime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern
17 March 1921 |
Convention and Statute on the Régime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern
17 March 1921 |