News (4)
Solidarité avec les ONG palestiniennes criminalisées par |
By :HIC |
10 November 2021 |
Aujourd`hui, le conseil exécutif de HIC a adopté une déclaration de solidarité avec les six organisations palestiniennes de défense des droits humains, y compris les membres de HIC, que le ministre israélien de la Défense a qualifié comme des organisations terroristes. La déclaration publique complète suit ici :
La Coalition Internationale More...
Sahara occidental : Lettre ouverte au SG de l’ONU |
By :Groupe de Soutien de Genève pour la Protection et la Promotion des Droiits Humains au Sahara occidental |
16 April 2021 |
Lettre ouverte au Secrétaire Général de l’ONU
Genève / Bir Lehlu, 16 avril 2021
Si vous êtes neutre dans des situations d`injustice, vous avez choisi le camp de l`oppresseur. Si un éléphant a son pied sur la queue d`une souris et que vous dites que vous êtes neutre, la souris n`appréciera pas More...
Interdiction des expulsions forcées, E/CN.4/RES/28 |
By :Commission on Human Rights |
16 April 2004 |
Comité des droits économiques, sociales et culturelles, "Le droit à un logement suffisant," Observation générale no 4 |
13 December 1991 |
Document Title
Publication Date |
Assessing Loss and Damage Impacts Associated with Climate Change
21 November 2023 |
General comment No. 26 (2023) on children’s rights and the environment, with a special focus on climate change
22 August 2023 |
General comment No. 26 (2022) on land and economic, social and cultural rights*
24 January 2023 |
Housing and Land Rights Network Solutions to Loss and Damage Associated with Climate Change
06 January 2023 |
Israeli Apartheid: Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism
27 December 2022 |
Response to the call for inputs to the Special Rapporteur on the right to food report on the adverse impact of climate change on the right to food
09 December 2022 |
Housing and Property Restitution in Middle East and North Africa
30 November 2022 |
الإنتقال من العمل الخيري والإغاثة إلى التنمية (أسئلة أستراتيجية)
21 September 2022 |
الإنتقال من العمل الخيري والإغاثة إلى التنمية" (المقدمة)
18 September 2022 |
الإنتقال من العمل الخيري والإغاثة إلى التنمية (معايير حقوق الإنسان الدولية)
18 September 2022 |
Evolving ETOs
16 June 2022 |
Africities9 CSO statement on forced eviction
20 May 2022 |
Africities9 CSO statement on affordable housing
20 May 2022 |
Africities9 CSO statement on social justice
20 May 2022 |
Human Rights Related to Habitat (Land, Housing, Population Transfer, Natural Resources) in Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara
16 March 2022 |
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Committee on Israel’s Sixth Periodic Review
31 January 2022 |
Joint Parallel Report to CEDaW
20 January 2022 |
Joint Parallel Report to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
20 January 2022 |
Entrenching and Maintaining an Apartheid Regime over the Palestinian People as a Whole
07 January 2022 |
HIC Written Statement to UN-Habitat Executive Board
16 November 2021 |
Conflict, Occupation, War amid Global Cease-fire
18 October 2021 |
Un derecho humano a la tierra
05 August 2021 |
حق الإنسان في الأرض
18 June 2021 |
Joint Input to SR on human rights in occupied Palestine
30 April 2021 |
07 April 2021 |
A Human Right to Land
24 February 2021 |
الأرض كحق من حقوق الانسان
24 February 2021 |
UNSRs Address Israel over Naqab Demolitions
21 December 2020 |
"A Pandemic of Violations"
05 October 2020 |
Recognizing Israel’s Practice of Apartheid and Reconstituting the UN Centre against Apartheid
16 September 2020 |
Tools to Remedy Israeli Apartheid: Reconstituting the UN Special Committee against Apartheid and the UN Centre against Apartheid
01 September 2020 |
What Sort of Humanitarian Aid for Western Sahara
19 September 2019 |
Israel’s Implementation of Covenant Rights and Obligations Related to Habitat
06 September 2019 |
Joint Submission to 100th Session of CERD on Israel`s Periodic Report
05 September 2019 |
UN: Eroding the Human Rights Treaty System
21 June 2019 |
HIC Open Letter to UN Leadership
21 June 2019 |
WLH Kampala Workshop Report
14 May 2019 |
Al-Haq International Law Summer School 2019!
30 April 2019 |
Israel’s Implementation of Covenant Rights and Obligations Related to Habitat
17 January 2019 |
Transmission letter to Israel’s Implementation of Covenant Rights and Obligations Related to Habitat
17 January 2019 |
Joint Submission to the UPR of Yemen
22 November 2018 |
SDG Land Indicators
01 September 2018 |
SDG Messages from Arab CSOs
24 April 2018 |
Maastricht Guidelines on Violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
26 January 2018 |
Land Forum VI program
25 October 2017 |
Commentary on the High Level Independent Panel`s Report to Assess and Enhance Effectiveness of UN-Habitat (summary)
05 September 2017 |
Treaty Bodies and Related Institutions: The Centrality of Human Rights Treaty Bodies to the UN Sustainable Development System
21 August 2017 |
Human Rights Habitat Observatory
10 July 2017 |
Human rights in cities and other human settlements, A/HRC/35/L.30/Rev.1
23 June 2017 |
General Comment No. 24 on State Obligations under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Context of Business Activities
23 June 2017 |
تقرير المقرر الخاص المعني بمسألة الفقر المدقع وحقوق الإنساان عن زيارته إلى المملكة العربية السعودية، A/HRC/35/26/Add.3
28 April 2017 |
The Right to Adequate Food Seminar: Promoting accountability of food security actions to the people most affected by food insecurity and malnutrition
24 January 2017 |
Permanent Mission of Turkey response to UN Special Rapporteurs
20 January 2017 |
بيان للتحالف الدولي للموئل –شبكة حقوق الأرض والسكن بشأن قرار مجلس الأمن رقم 2334
28 December 2016 |
General recommendation No. 34 (2016) on the rights of rural women
07 March 2016 |
"Key Issues and Recommendations," Housing in the City We Need UTC
18 November 2015 |
Security of Tenure through the Habitat Agenda, 1976–2016
16 November 2015 |
Reporte National de México para Hábitat III
20 October 2015 |
Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises
15 October 2015 |
“The role of local government in the promotion and protection of human rights,” A/HRC/30/49
07 August 2015 |
دور الحكومة المحلية في تعزيز وحماية حقوق الإنسان - التقرير النهائي للجنة الاستشارية لمجلس حقوق الإنسان، A/HRC/30/49
07 August 2015 |
تقرير المقرر الخاص بالسكن اللائق كعنصر من عناصر الحق في مستوى معيشي مناسب وبالحق في عدم التمييز في هذا السياق، A/70/270
04 August 2015 |
Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context, A/70/270
04 August 2015 |
HIC Comments on Habitat III Issue Papers
31 July 2015 |
HIC Comments to the HRC-AC Local government and human rights draft report
15 June 2015 |
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review: Turkey, A/HRC/29/15
13 April 2015 |
الخطوط التوجيهية الطوعية لضمان الاستدامة لمصائد الأسماك صغيرة النطاق في سياق الأمن الغذائي والقضاء على الفقر
03 March 2015 |
HIC response to HRC-AC Local government and human rights questionnaire
15 November 2014 |
تقرير المقررة الخاصة المعنية بحق الإنسان في الحصول على مياه الشرب المأمونة وخدمات الصرف الصحي: البعثة إلى الأردن
05 August 2014 |
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation: Mission to Jordan
05 August 2014 |
Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context, A/HRC/25/54
30 December 2013 |
ETOs and Situations of Conflict, Occupation and War: Applying the Maastricht Principles
11 July 2013 |
Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context, Raquel Rolnik, Mission to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory, A/HRC/22/4
24 December 2012 |
Systematic Housing and Land Rights Violations against Syrian Kurds
17 March 2011 |
Report of SR related to access to safe drinking water and sanitation Mission to Egypt July 2010
05 July 2010 |
Mexico City Charter for the Right to the City
01 July 2010 |
السكن في مصر بين العشوائية والتحضر الرث
22 May 2010 |
Toward the Conference of High Contracting Parties of the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (1949) on measures to enforce the Convention in the occupied Palestinian territory
01 April 2010 |
مبادئ توجيهيـة بشأن الوثائق المتعلقة بمعاهدة محددة التي ينبغي أن تقدمها الدول الأطراف
24 March 2009 |
Guidelines on Treaty-Specific Documents to be Submitted by States Parties, E/C.12/2008/2
24 March 2009 |
Report on Indicators for Monitoring Compliance with International Human Rights Instruments, HRI/MC/2008/3
06 June 2008 |
Principios Básicos y Directrices sobre los Desalojos y el Desplazamiento Generados por el Desarrollo, A/HRC/4/18
26 August 2007 |
Namibia: amendments to draft resolution A/C.3/61/L.18/Rev.1 concerning Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
21 November 2006 |
Report on Indicators for Monitoring Compliance with International Human Rights Instruments, HRI/MC/2006/7
11 May 2006 |
قضايا جوهرية ناشئة عن تنفيذ العهد الدولي الخاص بالحقوق الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية، التعليق العام رقم 16
11 August 2005 |
Housing and property restitution in the context of the return of refugees and internally displaced persons, E/CN.4/Sub.2/2005/17
28 June 2005 |
رد المساكن والممتلكات في سياق عودة اللاجئين والمشردين داخلياً "المبادئ المتعلقة برد المساكن والممتلكات إلى اللاجئين والمشردين، E/CN.4/Sub.2/2005/17
28 June 2005 |
Prohibition of forced evictions, 2004/28
16 April 2004 |
Interdiction des expulsions forcées, E/CN.4/RES/2004/28
16 April 2004 |
حظر الإخلاء القسري، 2004/28
16 April 2004 |
Interdiction des expulsions forcées, E/CN.4/RES/28
16 April 2004 |
Prohibition of forced evictions, E/CN.4/RES/2004/28
16 April 2004 |
Institutionalized Discrimination against Palestinians in Lebanon
01 March 2004 |
General Comment No. 15 (2002), The right to water
20 January 2003 |
تقرير المقرر الخاص المعني بالسكن اللائق بوصفع عنصراً من عناصر الحق في مستوى معيشي لائق، السيد ميلون كوتهاري، في زيارته إلى الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة، زيارة الأرض الفلسطينية المحتلة، E / CN.4 / 2003/5 / ADD.1
17 June 2002 |
Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, Mr. Miloon Kothari, on his visit to the occupied Palestinian territories, E/CN.4/2003/5/Add.1
17 June 2002 |
In Quest of Bhabrekar Nagar
31 December 2001 |
Assessing the gains and losses of Istanbul+5
24 June 2001 |
"Back to the Future," statement before the General Assembly Special Session Habitat II+5 Review
07 April 2001 |
“Study on treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and indigenous populations,” Final report by the Special Rapporteur, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1999/20
22 June 1999 |
”دراسة في المعاهدات والاتفاقات وغيرها من الترتيبات البنّاءة بين الدول والسكان الشعوب الأصلية،" تقرير نهائي مقدم من المقرر الخاص، E/CN.4/Sub.2/1999/20
22 June 1999 |
مشروع إعلان عن نقل السكان وغرس المستوطنين، E/CN.4/Sub.2/1997/23
27 June 1997 |
“Human rights and population transfer,” Final report of the Special Rapporteur, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1997/23
27 June 1997 |
"حقوق الإنسان ونقل السكان،" التقرير النهائي للمقرر الخاص،E/CN.4/Sub.2/1997/23
27 June 1997 |
اللجنة الحقوق الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية و الثقافية، التعليق العام رقم 7 "حالة إخلاء المساكن بالإكراه"
20 May 1997 |
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Comment No. 7, The right to housing: "forced evictions"
20 May 1997 |
The human rights dimensions of population transfer, including the implantation of settlers, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1994/18
30 June 1994 |
أبعاد حقوق الإنسان اللتي يحتوي عليها نقل السكان، بما في ذلك توطين المستوطنين" تقرير مرحلي أعده السيد عون شوكت الخصاونة، المقرر الخاص، E/CN.4/Sub.2/1994/18
30 June 1994 |
The human rights dimensions of population transfer, including the implantation of settlers, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1993/17
06 July 1993 |
The human rights dimensions of population transfer, including the implantation of settlers, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1993/17
06 July 1993 |
Commission on Human Rights resolution 1993/77 "forced evictions"
10 March 1993 |
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Comment No. 4 "The right to housing"
13 December 1991 |
Comité de los derechos economicos, sociales y culturales, Observación general Nº 4, El derecho a una vivienda adecuada
13 December 1991 |
Comité des droits économiques, sociales et culturelles, "Le droit à un logement suffisant," Observation générale no 4
13 December 1991 |
الاتفاقية رقم 169 بشأن الشعوب الأصلية والقبلية في البلدان المستقلة
27 June 1989 |
Realization of the right to adequate housing, A/RES/42/146
07 December 1987 |
Limburg Principles on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
06 June 1986 |
Letter of the State Department Legal Advisor, Mr. Herbert J. Hansell, Concerning the Legality of Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Territories
21 April 1978 |