This latest HLRN contribution to the discourse on the global habitat comes in the form of HLRN`s annual report from its Violation Database (VDB) in October 2024. It focuses on the violations of habitat-related human rights affecting land in 20 country contexts. The analysis demonstrates how land is subject to destruction through contamination and degradation, dispossession of other deprivation of land rights, and captures how perpetrators deny legitimate tenure holders their rights to equitable and sustainable access to, use of, and control over their land.
This year’s annual study highlights entries in the VDB between 2014 and 2024 that quantify the area of land at stake, classifies the corresponding violations by established VDB criteria, and quantifies their spatial extent. This detailed snapshot of land rights violations o an global scale clarifies the nature of ongoing trends to deny land rights that otherwise could be used for social production of habitat by their rightful tenure holders.
Download The Land at Stake: A Decade of Cases from the HLRN Violation Database.